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Keynote - Indumation 2024

The Art and Power  of the Unified Namespace Architecture

Discover our Keynote

Mathias Knop and Jurgen Petré, two of our managing partners, recently gave a keynote about Unified Namespaces at the most recent edition of Indumation, the meetup for the Benelux industrial automation community.  

As thought leaders in the Industry 4.0 space, we'd like to keep everyone informed about this exciting technology, which is why we'll share the core points of our keynote here. Keep reading to find out more, or watch the keynote here:

Thumbnail video The Art and Power  of the Unified Namespace Architecture

What is Unified Namespace?

A Unified Namespace (UNS) is an architecture that establishes a single point of truth for your organisation. It replaces the traditional one-to-one connections between systems with one central hub through which all smart devices communicate using the same language and naming conventions.

UNS scheme

What are the benefits of UNS?

Using a Unified Namespace will result in:

  • Simplified integrations with reduced complexity and facilitated communication.
  • Reduced cost, both in upfront development and ongoing maintenance.
  • Flexibility with a platform that quickly responds to changes in demands.
  • Scalability thanks to seamless onboarding of new devices and systems.
  • Transparency: naming conventions ensure that sensors are easy to identify.

Want to learn more about Unified Namespaces? Read our blog.

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